Wind forecast was good, but cold and rain predicted. On the day itself rain turned out to be not too bad, so went anyway. Went to Botenhelling, used the JP FSW 84 Pro with the Ice 5.3 and 23 cm fin. No too cold. I missed the warm dressing room of Kabbelaarsbank. [Read...]

(machine translated in 2018) Everyone Merry Christmas. All surfers who do not have too many obligations and so these days can sail: have fun. It looks nice for Christmas, well likely is on beautiful wind and not too cold at Christmas. [Read...]

After a week of storms but not time because of work, there was wind on Saturday. Used the iSonic 121, Warp 7.8 and Deboichet SL2 42cm fin. Praticed on gybing, used the buoys in the water. It was cold, but not cold, but very tiring. The Sun was nice. [Read...]

.Windsurfing photo TODO.

With a mountain bike through the mud is fun, but with a motor it is hilarious, look at the following images. [Read...]

(machine translated in 2018) I have changed it to my blog, now I can pictures etc easier include in my blog. I'm going to extend this even further that I can add also markup. Also I have some added for surf-surfing day photos, if I put a post on my blog, and I have pictures of that day the first 5 photos directly in my blog. That I will go out with movies. [Read...]

3rd days windsurfing in a row, and that in November, rare. Surfed at de Grevelingendam. In the beginning lots of rain and hard gusts, after the rain the wind dropped a bit, and the Sun started to shine. Nice day, sailed with the 5.3 and 5.9 on the JP 84. Took it easy after 2 days full power slalom. Winter may begin, I need a few days rest. [Read...]