tuesday 28 april 2015
(machine translated in 2018)
Prediction was North, so to Port Zelande port. Nadwi was already with 7.8 on the water. isonic 117 with Warp 7.8 and Boss 44 cm rigged. Was a short day with a long aftermath. At a buoy dangers. Much pain, with difficulty on the side. Ge finished in the hospital: 3 broken ribs: 3 nights. Months recovery and end condition. OOPS! [Read...]
sunday 26 april 2015
(machine translated in 2018)
Finally check out the Warp F2014 8.6 test. isonic 127 with Boss 47 and 49 cm below. Wind increased, was even too much. Very useful day, though a good fundament trim for this set. Still ff rits of the 8.6 fixing for that time. [Read...]
monday 13 april 2015
(machine translated in 2018)
The Point-7 Black Team has created a small article about trimming your slalom gear. They explain how you can become the fastest on the water. [Read...]
sunday 12 april 2015
(machine translated in 2018)
Tough race training with wind up to 35 kts. Small attendance: 8 man 101 with Warp 7.0 dangers with the iSonic. Makani Kauila v2 36 and 38 cm below. Fins give great control. It became clear that I to strength and conditioning much too short Bowl: training! The RRD-X-Fire 90 tried. [Read...]