saterday 20 april 2024
Good WNW predicted, some showers in the morning, later less rain.
Sailed the Banzai 4.2 on the Grip 93 with MFC 20/10cm thrusters.
Nice afternoon: Wind was stronger than expected.
It was only 9 degrees and with so much wind: quite chilly. I didn't wear mittens, and sometimes that was only just possible. [Read...]
thursday 11 april 2024
Strong winds forecast all day, up to 40 knots. In the evening it would start to decrease. Was able to leave work a few hours earlier. I was at the dam just before 4.
Sailed the Banzai 3.7 on the Grip 93 with quad fins.
4.2 would have been better. Luckily not much rain, but a bit chilly, compared to last weekend. Was a fun session. [Read...]
sunday 07 april 2024
Forecast for 25 degrees this weekend, 15 degrees on Friday and up to 40 knots turning from S to SW wind.
Sailed the Banazi 4.7. First on the Wave Slate 96, later on the Grip 93.
Lovely afternoon, clear blue almost all afternoon and not cold.
I'm getting more and more friends with the Grip, I'll put Dakine Core Contours on it. I find the original foot straps much too soft. [Read...]