Today Breda Live festival, but the bands before 18:00 were less interesting and the forecast with 30 to 35 knots was too tempting. Unfortunately I had forgot my smaller wave boards. Sailed with the Banzai 3.7 with Fanatic Grip 93, first with 18/10cm thrusters, later with 14.5/10cm quad set-up. Extreme strong wind! First impression of the Fanatic Grip 93 in these conditions is not bad. Thruster seems to give more controle than as a quad. Almost everyone found it impossible to sail or complained much harder than I did: it was really windy: 50+ kts gusts. [Read...]

Forecast looked good for days, good wind in the afternoon and evening. Started with the Banzai 6.0 on the F-Cross 113 with Supercross 34cm. In the beginning: minimal, later too big and fast for the waves. Switched to the Banzai 5.3 on the One 95 with 21/11 thrusters. Jumping over both sides possible. Back-side wave riding fun. Sometimes even multiple hits on one wave. One of the best sessions of the year: lovely sunshine, lovely constant wind. [Read...]