monday 30 january 2023
Wind forecast was perfect, 25 to 30 knots, WNW. Sailed with the Banzai 4.7 and One 95 with MFC 21/10 fins. Beautiful waves for waveriding and jumping.
First hour sailed with the zipper of my suit open: stupid.
Wonderful session: enjoy, what fun the Grevelingendam can be. [Read...]
monday 23 january 2023
Do you have a router and are you looking for a way to use it with a guide rail? In this blog post you can read how I use my unbranded (KBM) router with my DeWalt (DWS5021-XJ) guide rail. For this I bought a Makita guide rail adapter (194579-2). I modded this to make it fit on the DeWalt guide rail. [Read...]
sunday 15 january 2023
I had a great start to the season today. It was dry with solid SW winds, forecasted to be between 35-48 knots. Most surfers were sailing with 3.2-3.5 sails, I used the 4.2 and the Goya Thruster 81. The waves were beautiful, with some long lines for a couple of backside hits. Jumping conditions weren't the best, but still some nice jumps. Wind picked up later on which made it necessary to trim the sail in further, but the Banzai 4.2 had a great range. I sailed until I was completely exhausted - the perfect start to the season! [Read...]