Roberts Blog

On Saturday and into the night heavy storm, windforce 7 / 8. On Sunday rain had stopped, wind dropped to wind force 6. Nice moment to go surfing. Started with the JP FSW 102 and Ice 5.3, unfortunately the wind had dropped. Took the iSonic 101 with Crossride 6.6, Wind was back, so took the Ice 5.3 again. Was good, was not very cold, lots of sun to warm the wetsuit. Unfortunately, relatively flat water. Very happy with this winter session. [Read...]

Once again full on with the Daytona, together with Jurjen, see who is fastest: Me! Used iSonic 117 with Daytona 7.3 and Z-Fins 42cm. Was a long good session. A lot of kilometers made, good training. Certainly not cold yet. [Read...]