zaterdag 28 april 2018
Last days sworked on updating by my blog page. It is responsive: suitable for mobile and desktop, support endless scrolling, added support for English etc. [Read...]
zondag 15 april 2018
Home page was already responsive, but now also available in English. Also removed Twitter, I don't use Twitter anymore and also do not want Twitter to be able to follow my visitors. [Read...]
zondag 11 maart 2018
After 2 years, time to switch from PHP 5.6 to 7.2. PHP 7 seems to be a lot faster, and in the end I will have to switch anyway. [Read...]
dinsdag 30 januari 2018
(machine translated in 2018)
From now (2018) go try everything in English writing, I hope more people can give information about surfing. Everything will not yet readily available, my website need to be adjusted. [Read...]
zaterdag 03 december 2011
(machine translated in 2018)
I have changed it to my blog, now I can pictures etc easier include in my blog. I'm going to extend this even further that I can add also markup. Also I have some added for surf-surfing day photos, if I put a post on my blog, and I have pictures of that day the first 5 photos directly in my blog. That I will go out with movies. [Read...]